The APSI logo

The APSI Logomark

The logomark includes a dark blue sphere on the far left, depicting Mars and representing the planets. A curved path leads from there towards the right, ending in the wider end the proportional size of Pluto. The band has a triplet meaning: it represents a cometary object, an impacting body, and the multitude of the minor objects of the Solar System. The band leads to an orbit around a larger, lighter blue sphere with a white band on top. This second sphere represents Earth with the Arctic circle.

Overall, the APSI logomark depicts information flow from other Solar System objects towards Earth.

Below the logomark is written the acronym logotype “APSI“.

Usage of the logo

We encourage the usage of the APSI logo in any graphical representations of the Institute, such as presentations, posters, etc. The official blue logo should be used whenever possible. In cases where this version is not suitable, silver and black-and-white versions may be used. Shadowing is optional.

All versions of the logo are provided with the Creative Commons 4.0 CC-BY-SA licence. You may copy, use, display and build on the logo, as long as you credit APSI. The preferred way is “Logo of the Arctic Planetary Science Institute“, “credit: APSI,“, or similar. You must also share any adaptatios with a similar licence.

Logo versions

No shading With shading
Blue, white background

JPG 320
JPG 640
JPG 1024
TIFF 2242
TIFF 10240

JPG 320
JPG 640
JPG 1024
TIFF 2242
TIFF/zip 10240

Blue, black background
JPG 320
JPG 640
JPG 1024
TIFF 2242
TIFF 10240
JPG 320
JPG 640
JPG 1024
TIFF 2242
TIFF/zip 10240
Blue, transparent
PNG 320
PNG 640
PNG 1024
PNG 2242
PNG 10240
PNG 320
PNG 640
PNG 1024
PNG 2242
PNG 10240
Silver, white background
JPG 320
JPG 640
JPG 1024
TIFF 2242
TIFF 10240
JPG 320
JPG 640
JPG 1024
TIFF 2242
TIFF 10240
Black on white White on black
JPG 320
JPG 640
JPG 1024
TIFF 2242
TIFF 10240
JPG 320
JPG 640
JPG 1024
TIFF 2242
TIFF 10240
Black outline
JPG 320
JPG 640
JPG 1024
TIFF 2242
TIFF 10240

Logo design: Jarmo Korteniemi & Marko Holma, 2016