What is APSI?

The Arctic Planetary Science Institute (APSI) is an organization dedicated to promoting planetary geology and other closely related fields. APSI collaborates with other national and international parties affiliated with planetary science. The institute supports education and conducts public outreach associated with these fields.

At the institute we conduct scientific research and write publications. We give talks and organize other outreach activities associated with planetary and space science. We also organize scientific conferences, seminars and meetings.

APSI functions as a virtual institute, and most of the daily operations are conducted online. Even though the official and physical APSI headquarters are located at the Arctic Circle (Rovaniemi, Finland; hence the name), the institute knows no physical boundaries. At the time of writing (January 2021) APSI members operate regularly in three European countries and the United States.

The rules and customs by which APSI operates are outlined in the APSI Bylaws (PDF). Note that this is an unofficial translation, and the abiding bylaws are only in Finnish.

If you want to know more, please contact us!