“News” and updates from more or less official sources on Twitter. You can also subscribe to the lists directly on Twitter.
- In English:
- Planetary news: About planetology and related topics. By organizations, universities, news, etc.
- Planetary mission news: About missions to planets, moons and asteroids and beyond. By teams operating the landers, orbiters, probes, or their instruments, etc.
- Impact crater news: About asteroids, comet collisions, impacts and the resulting craters. Research, news, etc.
- Meteorite news: About those rocks from space that do not (mostly) form craters. Research, collectors, news, etc.
- Volcanism news: About volcanism. Alerts, research, enthusiasts, guides and researchers.
- Space news: About other spacy stuff, such as astronomy, manned space flight, or general topics. By organizations, institutes, universities, and news sources.
- Science news: About science. Mainly by news sources.
- In Finnish:
- Uutisia suoraan tieteentekijöiltä: Suomalaista tiedettä ja tutkimusta suoraan tekijäorganisaatioilta. Lähteet: yliopistot, tutkimuslaitokset, viranomaiset, yms.
- Tiedeuutisia suomeksi: Tiedeuutisia suomalaisilta journalisteilta, sekä tiedeharrastajien tarjoamia tietoja. Pääosin suomeksi.