Last updated on June 2nd, 2023.
APSI members conduct research and publish their findings in peer-reviewed journals, books, and scientific conferences. We also conduct public outreach through writing our own popular science and give interviews to the media, as well as teaching and giving public talks.

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- Browse through the most recent publications below, or
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Note: Date format is “day.month.year”.
Peer-reviewed papers (2022)
- Tanaka H. K. M., Gluyas J., Holma M., Joutsenvaara J., Kuusiniemi P., Leone G., Lo Presti D., Matsushima J., Oláh L., Steigerwald S., Thompson L. F., Usoskin I., Poluianov S., Varga D. & Yokota Y.: Atmospheric muography for imaging and monitoring tropic cyclones. Scientific Reports, vol. 12, 16710, doi:10.1038/s41598-022-20039-4. Accepted 7.9.2022, published 6.10.2022.
- Peytcheva I., Hikov A., Georgiev S., Stefanova E., Dimitrova D. Ivanov D., Stoilov V., Vasilev I., Holma M.:Assessing the potential of Assarel porphyry copper deposit for critical raw materials: mineral-geochemical data for combination with agile exploration methods and better geo-modeling. Short communications of the National Scientific Conference of the BGS with international participation ”Geosciences 2022”, Review of the Bulgarian Geological Society, vol. 83, no. 3, pp. 113–116, doi:10.52215/rev.bgs.2022.83.3.113.
- Holma M., Joutsenvaara J. & Kuusiniemi P.: Trends in publishing muography related research. The situation at the end of 2020. Journal of Advanced Instrumentation in Science, vol. 2022, no. 1, doi:10.31526/jais.2022.292. Accepted 3/2022, published 15.10.2022. APSI contribution #23.
- Holma M., Hall A. M., Kuusiniemi P., Aranciba M., Sarala P., Tanaka H. K. M., Oláh L., Hamar G. & Varga D.: Exploration and resource delineation of bauxite deposits using cosmic-ray muons. In: Christie A. B. (ed.): Proceedings of 16th SGA Biennial Meeting (28.-31.3.2022), vol. 1, pp. 141–144. Accepted 25.11.2021, published online 10.6.2022. APSI contribution #21.
- Holma M.: A new density characterization and visualization tool for delineation and classification of mineral resources: muography. In: Christie A. B. (ed.): Proceedings of 16th SGA Biennial Meeting (28.-31.3.2022), vol. 1, pp. 137–140. Accepted 25.11.2021, published online 10.6.2022. APSI contribution #20.
- Holma M., Skyttä P., Piippo S., Kuusiniemi P., Tanaka H. K. M., Oláh L., Hamar G. & Varga D.: Imaging faults, shear zones and folds with cosmic-ray induced atmospheric muons: an introduction to muography for structural geologists and mining industry. In: Christie A. B. (ed.): Proceedings of 16th SGA Biennial Meeting (28.-31.3.2022), vol. 1, pp. 145–148. Accepted 25.11.2021, published online 10.6.2022. APSI contribution #18.
- Tanaka H. K. M., Aichi M., Balogh S. J., Bozza C., Coniglione R., Gluyas J., Hayashi N., Holma M., Joutsenvaara J., Kamoshida O., Kato Y., Kin T., Kuusiniemi P., Leone G., Lo Presti D., Matsushima J., Miyamoto H., Mori H., Nomura Y., Okamoto N., Oláh L., Steigerwald S., Shimazoe K., Sumiya K., Takahashi H., Thompson L. F., Tokunaga T., Yokota Y., Paling S. & Varga D.: Periodic sea-level oscillation in Tokyo Bay detected with the Tokyo-Bay seafloor hyper-kilometric submarine deep detector (TS-HKMSDD). Scientific Reports, vol. 12, 6097 (2022). doi:10.1038/s41598-022-10078-2. Accepted 23.3.2022, published 12.4.2022.
- Kuusiniemi P., Holma M., Loo K. & Enqvist T.: Muography and geology: does it matter which continent you stand on? Journal of Advanced Instrumentation in Science, vol. 2022, no. 1, doi:10.31526/jais.2022.257. Accepted 7.3.2022, published and date of issue 23.3.2022. APSI contribution #25.
- Holma M., Joutsenvaara J. & Kuusiniemi P.: Muography, outreaching and transdisciplinarity: Towards the golden age of muography. Journal of Advanced Instrumentation in Science, vol. 2022, no. 1, doi:10.31526/jais.2022.258. Accepted 26.1.2022, published 6.3.2022, date of issue 23.3.2022. APSI contribution #24.
- Holma M., Joutsenvaara J. & Kuusiniemi P.: Astroparticle physics obtaining more attention from a new type of audience. Journal of Physics: Conference Series 2156, 012178, doi:10.1088/1742-6596/2156/1/012178. Published online: 21.2.2022
- Schenk P. M., Neesemann A., Marchi S., Otto K., Hoogenboom T., O’Brien D. P., Castillo-Rogez J., Raymond C. A. & Russell C. T.: A young age of formation of Rheasilvia basin on Vesta from floor deformation patterns and crater counts. Meteoritics & Planetary Science, vol. 57, iss. 1, pp. 22–47, doi:110.1111/maps.13772. Accepted 9.11.2021, published online 16.12.2021, date of issue 19.1.2022.
- Holma M. J., Xhang Z.-X., Kuusiniemi P., Loo K. & Enqvist E., 2021. Future Prospects of Muography for Geological Research and Geotechnical and Mining Engineering. Chapter 15 (pp. 199–219, doi:10.1002/9781119722748.ch15) in book “Muography: Exploring Earth’s Subsurface with Elementary Particles” by (editors) L. Oláh, H. K. M. Tanaka & D. Varga, American Geophysical Union & Wiley Publishing, Geophysical monograph series 270, ISBN: 9781119722748. Published and date of issue 7.1.2022. APSI contribution #13.
- López I., D’Incecco P., Filiberto J. & Komatsu G.: The volcanology of Idunn Mons, Venus: the complex evolution of a possible active volcano. Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, vol. 421, # 107428, doi:10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2021.107428. Accepted 8.11.2021, published online 12.11.2021, date of issue 1/2022. APSI contribution #19.
Other research publications (2022 – 2023)
Conference proceedings, extended abstracts, encyclopedia entries, databases, reports, etc.
- Kuusiniemi P., Enqvist T., Holma M., Korteniemi J. & Öhman, T.: Muon production in the lunar regolith: Opportunities for muon imaging in the Moon. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24.–28.4.2023, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-7336, EGU23-7336.
- Holma M., Korteniemi J., Kuusiniemi P. & Zhang Z.-X.: Using a new geophysical tool for improving underground safety in mining and civil engineering: time-sequential muography. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-3567, EGU23-3567.
- Puputti J., Holma M., Kotavaara O., Joutsenvaara J. & Magyar M.: Callio Lab – a GoldenEye field trial site at the Pyhäsalmi mine in Finland. EGU General Assembly 2023, Vienna, Austria, 24–28 Apr 2023, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu23-8355, EGU23-8355.
- Ahrens C., Öhman T. & Petro N.: Investigation of Polygonal Impact Craters near the Lunar Poles. AGU Fall Meeting, Chicago, USA, 12.–16.12.2022, abstract P42C-2422.
- Holma M., Korteniemi J., Casini G., Saura E., Šumanovac F., Kapuralić J. & Tornos F.: Agile Exploration and Geo-modelling for European Critical Raw Materials – Introduction to the AGEMERA project. Lithosphere 2022: Twelfth symposium on the structure, composition and evolution of the lithosphere. Programme and Extended Abstracts, Åbo Akademi University, Turku, Finland, 15.-17.11.2022. Institute of Seismology, University of Helsinki, Report S-72, 51-54.
- López I., Martín L., Jímenez-Díaz A., D’Incecco P., Filiberto J. & Di Achille G.: The geologic evolution of Imdr Regio: a possible active hot spot on Venus. Europlanet Science Congress 2022, Granada, Spain, 18.–23.9.2022. EPSC Abstracts, vol. 16, EPSC2022-371.
- Holma M.: Cosmic-ray based density-scanning of large geological objects in mineral exploration and mining. In: Peytcheva, I., Lazarova, A., Granchovski, G., Ivanova, R., Lakova, I., Metodiev, L. (eds.):. XXII International Congress of the CBGA, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 7.–11.9.2022, Abstracts. Geologica Balcanica, Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, p. 352. ISBN: 978-619-91305-4-4.
- Holma M. & Arancibia M.: Cosmic-ray muography applied to porphyry copper environments. In: Peytcheva, I., Lazarova, A., Granchovski, G., Ivanova, R., Lakova, I., Metodiev, L. (eds.): XXII International Congress of the CBGA, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 7.–11.9.2022, Abstracts. Geologica Balcanica, Geological Institute, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, p. 185. ISBN: 978-619-91305-4-4.
- Holma M. & Sarala P.: Cosmic-ray muography: a new method for imaging and monitoring density variations in the Arctic. 3rd International PalaeoArc Conference, PalaeoArc 2022, 23.-26.8.2022, Rovaniemi, Finland, RES TERRAE, Ser. A., No. 44, 2022. Publications in Geosciences, University of Oulu, p. 20.
- Juutinen M., Holma M. & Sarala P.: Seeing through old mining wastes with secondary cosmic rays. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23.–27.5.2022, EGU22-10983, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-10983.
- Holma M., Hall A. M., Sarala P., Putkinen N., Tanaka H. K. M., Oláh L. & Kuusiniemi P.: Muography as a Novel Field Observation Tool of Geomorphic Research. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23.–27.5.2022, EGU22-6792, doi:10.5194/egusphere-egu22-6792.
- Öhman T., Holma M. & Kuusiniemi P.: Studying Terrestrial Impact Structures With Cosmic-Ray Induced Atmospheric Muons. EGU General Assembly 2022, Vienna, Austria, 23.–27.5.2022.
Popular science: Exhibits and events (2022)
- Öhman T.: Raamatun kivet. Järviseutu-seura & Kortesjärvi-Seura, Markin museo, Kortesjärvi, Kauhava. Mineral and information exhibit about stones in the Bible, with poster by J. Korteniemi. Open for the summer, 29.6.–7.8.2022.
- Öhman T.: Lappajärven geologia. Järviseudun ammatti-instituutti JAMI & Kraatterijärvi Geopark aUGGp -hanke. Excursion of the Lappajärvi crater area geology. 25.5.2022.
- Öhman T., Korteniemi J. (infographics) & Nevala H. (narration): Apollo-ohjelma. Hotelli Kivitippu, Lappajärvi. Photo exhibition about the Apollo missions. Opened on 25.5.2022.
- Öhman T., Korteniemi J. (infographics) & Nevala H. (narration): Lappajärven vertailukohdat. Hotelli Kivitippu, Lappajärvi. Photo exhibition about Lappajärvi references. Opened on 25.5.2022.
- Öhman T. & Korteniemi J. (infographics): Suomalaiset Kuussa. Hotelli Kivitippu, Lappajärvi. Photo exhibition about lunar locations, which have been named after Finnish people. Opened on 25.5.2022.
- Öhman T.: Impact Crater Lake Geopark aUGGp: Regional Geology and the Formation of the Lappajärvi Impact Crater. Excursion of the Lappajärvi crater area geology. Impact Crater Lake Geopark aUGGp; Lappajärvi, Evijärvi, Vimpeli, 2.5.2022.
Popular science: Articles (2022 – 2023)
- Holma, M., Kuusiniemi P. & Korteniemi J.: Uudenlaisen geofysiikan äärellä: Osa 2 – Myonien havaitseminen ja myonikuvauksen perusperiaatteet. Geologi, vol. 75, no. 1, pp. 26–43, 10.2.2023.
- Öhman T.: Apollo 17:n kivinäytteet ja törmäysten kronologia. Zeniitti 5/2022, 18.12.2022. Sidebar article for “Yölähdöstä Apollon huipentumaan” by P. Wirtanen.
- Holma M., Kuusiniemi P., Sarala, P. & Korteniemi J.: Uudenlaisen geofysiikan äärellä: Osa 1 – Myonit ja myonigrafian yleisimmät sovellukset. Geologi, vol. 74, no. 6, pp. 219–228, 16.12.2022.
- Öhman T.; Lappajärven varhaisimmat tutkijat. Geologi, vol. 74, no. 5, p. 176–181. Article about the first geologists who studied the Lappajärvi impact crater.
- Korhonen R., Öhman T. & Raitala J.: Karan kraatteri : Nordenskiöld-retkikunnan arktinen työmaa. AS Pakett, Tallinn, Estonia, 112 pp. ISBN 978-952-69628-2-5. Arctic Planetary Science Institute Special Publication #1. Published 7.9.2022. A book about the Nordenskiöld–Kara expedition to the Kara impact structure in Nenetsia, arctic Russia.
- Öhman T.: Törmäystimantteja esiintyy ympäri maailman. Ilkka-Pohjalainen, 24.5.2022, p. 16. Opinion piece explaining the distribution and abundance of impact diamonds, impact melt, and meteorites, in response to recent advertising and news distorting their importance.
- Öhman T.: Kysymyksiä & vastauksia: Onko maapallo ollut samalla tavalla kraatterien peittämä kuin Kuu? Tähdet ja Avaruus, 1/2022, p. 59. Answer to a question about whether the surface of the Earth has ever been as heavily cratered as the Moon.
- Öhman T.: Kysymyksiä & vastauksia: Löytyisikö Suomesta asteroidin törmäyspaikkaa, joka olisi vierailun arvoinen? Tähdet ja Avaruus, 1/2022, pp. 55–56, 27.1.2022. Answer to a question about impact sites worth visiting in Finland.
- Parviainen J. & Öhman T.: Tuho tuli taivaalta. Tekniikan Maailma, 3B/2022, online version 24.1.2022. Article about the Lappajärvi impact crater, with illustration by J. Korteniemi.
Popular science: Lectures and talks (2022 – 2023)
- Öhman T.: Lappajärven törmäyskraatteri: Mitä tiedämme ja miten? A lecture about Lappajärvi impact crater to the students of the geologically oriented Lappajärvi high school. Lappajärven geolukio, Lappajärvi/online, 15.5.2023.
- Öhman T.: Raamatun kivet. A popular sicence lecture about the rocks and minerals mentioned in the Bible. Järvilakeuden kansalaisopisto, Y-Kino, Kauhava, 30.3.2023.
- Öhman T.: Apollo-lentojen tieteellinen anti. A popular sicence lecture about the scientific results of the Apollo program. Jyväskylän Sirius ry, Schildtin lukio, Jyväskylä, 9.3.2023.
- Öhman T.: Raamatun kivet. A public introductory talk to the biblical stone exhibition in the museum. Kulttuurikaverikerho, Markin museo, Kortesjärvi, Kauhava, 12.9.2022.
- Öhman T.: Lapua vuorijonopoimutuksesta jääkauteen. A public talk about the geological past of the Lapua region. Lapuan kansalaisopisto, Kulttuurikeskus Vanha Paukku, Lapua, 7.9.2022.
- Öhman T.: Raamatun kivet. A popular science lecture about rocks and minerals mentioned in the Bible. Kortesjärvi-Seura ry, Markin Museo, Kortesjärvi, 2.7.2022.
- Öhman T.: Impact Crater Lake Geopark aUGGp: Regional Geology and the Formation of the Lappajärvi Impact Crater. A popular science lecture about the formation and geology of the Lappajärvi impact crater. Impact Crater Lake Geopark aUGGp; Lappajärvi, Evijärvi, Vimpeli, 2.5.2022.
- Öhman T.: Tulivuoresta törmäyskraatteriksi: Lappajärven tutkimushistoria 1858–1976. A popular science lecture about the early research history of the Lappajärvi impact crater. Järvilakeuden kansalaisopisto, Kulttuurikaverikerho, Kauhava, 25.4.2022.
- Öhman T.: Lappajärven synty ja Järviseudun geologia. A popular science lecture about the formation of Lappajärvi impact crater and the geology of the lake district of Southern Ostrobothnia. Järviseudun ammatti-instituutti JAMI, Alajärvi, 6.4.2022.
- Öhman T.: Lappajärven törmäyskraatteri: Mitä tiedämme ja miten? A remote lecture to the students of the geo high school in Lappajärvi about Lappajärvi impact crater and the scientific evidence we have about its origin and characteristics. Lappajärvi geo high school, 31.3.2022.
- Holma M.: Myonien käyttö geotieteissä. A talk at the yearly spring meeting of The Geological Society of Finland about using muons in geosciences. Suomen Geologinen Seura, Helsinki, 10.2.2022.
Popular science: Media coverage (2022 – 2023)
- Lakeuden Aviisi / E. J.:. Teemu Öhman piti luennon Raamatun kivistä Kauhavalla. Lakeuden Aviisi, #18, s. 10, 3.5.2023. An article about the Bible Stones lecture by T. Öhman in Kauhava.
- Tolvanen P.: Planeettageologia ja kraatteritutkimus. Geotieteet ja kestävä tulevaisuus -verkkokurssi, Helsingin yliopisto, 4.11.2022. Interview with T. Öhman (about planetary geology and studying impact craters) for an online university course.
- Nykopp K.: Katse Kuuhun – ja Maahan. Sisä-Suomen Lehti, 16.8.2022, p. 10. Interview with T. Öhman about the Earth and the Moon.
- Ruuska H.: Raamatussa nimeltä mainituista kivistä koottiin geologinen näyttely. Järviseudun Sanomat, 6.7.2022, No. 27, s. 30. Article about a biblical stone exhibition at Kortesjärvi and compiled by T. Öhman.
- Jokiaho T.: Kuninkaantupa esittelee ainutlaatuisen kuvakavalkadin Lapuanliikkeestä Isänmaalliseen Kansanliikkeeseen. Torstai-lehti, 22.6.2022. Article noting the space probe photo collection donated by Arctic Planetary Science Institute, and a derived exhibit compiled by T. Öhman.
- Ähtärinjärven Uutisnuotta: Kuninkaantuvan näyttelyt kutsuvat. Ähtärinjärven Uutisnuotta, Kesälehti 22B, p. 6, 18.6.2022. Article noting the space probe photo collection donated by Arctic Planetary Science Institute, and a derived exhibit compiled by T. Öhman.
- Löytömäki A.: Lapuanliikkeeseen ja IKL:ään liittyvää aineistoa on ensimmäistä kertaa nähtävillä Soinissa tässä laajuudessa. Järviseutu-lehti, 16.6.2022. Article noting the space probe photo collection donated by Arctic Planetary Science Institute, and a derived exhibit compiled by T. Öhman.
- Järviseudun Sanomat: Markin museolla suvinäyttelyssä kivikokoelma Raamatun kivet. Järviseudun Sanomat, 15.6.2022. Article about the soon-to-be-opened stone and rock exhibit compiled by T. Öhman.
- Liikkanen L. A.: Sauna Marsiin., 31.5.2022.
- Jokiaho T.; Lappajärven törmäyskraatterin synty ja Kraatterijärvi Geopark tutuksi! Torstai-lehti, 31.3.2022, p. 4. Appeared online 29.3.2022. Article about T. Öhman’s forthcoming lecture about Lappajärvi impact crater.
- Wiltshear M.: Pyhävuori – the holy mountain of Alajärvi. Explore Finland Radio Show, episode 52, 17.2.2022. A podcast interview with T. Öhman about what to see at the Pyhävuori (”Holy Mountain”) region, the southeastern rim of the Lappajärvi impact crater.
- Oulun yliopisto: Tongan valtava merenalainen tulivuorenpurkaus havaittiin myös kosmisen hiukkassäteilyn avulla – Oulun yliopiston spinoff-yritys mukana kehittämässä menetelmää. University of Oulu, 26.1.2022. Also in English. Bulletin about the recent Tonga undersea volcanic eruption and muography with interview of M. Holma.
- Rantanen K.: Suunnistus sukelluksissa voi onnistua avaruudesta iskeytyvien myonien avulla, suomalaiset mukana kehittämässä laitteita. Helsingin Sanomat, 13.1.2022. Article about using muography in orienteering while scuba diving, with comments from M. Holma.
- Article was translated to English, as Orienteering in diving can be successful with the help of muons striking from space, Finns involved in developing equipment. Pledge Times, 13.1.2022.
Popular science: Blog posts (2023)
- Öhman T.: Lieksan meteoriitti sai hyväksyntänsä. Kraatterin reunalta, 31.5.2023. Blog post about a recent meteorite found in Lieksa, Finland.
- Öhman T.: Viileä Aurinko ja marsilainen vetytalous. Kraatterin reunalta, 26.5.2023. Blog post about the ”faint Sun paradox” and how it keeps on bugging scientists.
- Öhman T.: Meteoroidi, meteori ja meteoriitti – mitä ne ihan oikeasti tarkoittavatkaan? Kraatterin reunalta, 1.5.2023. Blog post about the official definitions of meteoroids, meteors and meteorites.
- Öhman T.: Uutisia Lieksasta. Kraatterin reunalta, 28.4.2023. Blog post about the Lieksa iron meteorite candidate.
- Öhman T.: Rashid ja Atlas – Arabiemiraattien kuumönkijä ja rakopohjaiset kraatterit. Kraatterin reunalta, 1.4.2023. Blog post about UAE’s lunar rover and Atlas crater.
- Öhman T.: Venus elää. Kraatterin reunalta, 28.3.2023. Blog post about changes on the surface of Venus.
- Öhman T.: Kuuta ja kiviä. Hieman Kuusta, 7.3.2023. Blog post about forthcoming lectures on Bible Stones and Apollo missions.
- Öhman T.: Kuu maaliskuussa 2023. Hieman Kuusta, 7.3.2023. Blog post about lunar libration and visibility in March 2023.
- Öhman T.: Ceres – soodaa, suolaa ja salmiakkia. Kraatterin reunalta, 1.3.2023. Blog post about the surface composition of Ceres.
- Öhman T.: Iltatähden lumiraja. Kraatterin reunalta, 27.2.2023. Blog post about the ”snowline” on Maxwell Montes.
- Öhman T.: Kuu helmikuussa 2023. Hieman Kuusta, 4.2.2023. Blog post about lunar libration and visibility in February 2023.
- Öhman T.: Ryppyinen Kuu. Kraatterin reunalta, 1.2.2023. Blog post about lunar wrinkle ridges.
- Öhman T.: Europan kraatterit, aineen suuri kiertokulku ja elämä. Kraatterin reunalta, 27.1.2023. Blog post about the impact craters and material transport on Europa.